Homeopathic Remedy For Abscess


Belladonna [Bell]

Most often indicated for the initial symptoms of abscess. The parts swell rapidly, become bright red, there is intense throbbing which is painful, pus develops speedily, the swelling increases and the redness radiates; First remedy for gumboils.

Generalities and modalities:

Belladonna is a remedy that takes hold of the system with great violence. It is especially suitable to plethoric, vigorous individual, and intellectual people brainy people have complaints coming on suddenly, providing they are in a substantial state of health, and are reasonably plethoric and vascular.

To see the detailed description of Belladonna Click Here.


Homeopathic Remedy Belladonna







Hepar Sulph

Hepar sulphuricum [Hep. s]

Hepar Sulphuricum is a great homoeopathic remedy for suppurations where the pus is not decomposed. It suits especially lymphatic, phlegmatic individuals. Excessive sensitiveness of the parts is a leading indication. It is further indicated by these symptoms: chilly sensations, throbbing in the parts, or sharp, sticking pains which are worse at night. If given low in threatening suppuration it will favor the formation of pus. The suppuration process will often be aborted by Hepar if given in the higher potencies. Such abscesses as felon or whitlow generally do well under Hepar.

Coldness: The Hepar patient is chilly. He is sensitive to the cold and wants an unusual amount of clothing when in cold air. He wants the sleeping room very warm and can endure much heat in the room, many degrees warmer than a healthy person ordinarily desires, He has no endurance in the cold and all his complaints are made worse in the cold. If he becomes cold in sleep his complaints come on or if he is out in the cold, dry wind, complaints come on; inflammatory and rheumatic complaints appear.

The exposure of hand or foot at night in bed brings on symptoms. He wants the covers drawn close about the neck when in bed. This patient is also oversensitive to impressions, to surroundings and to pain. What with an ordinary person would only be an ache or disagreeable sensation becomes with Hepar an intense suffering.

To see the detailed description of Hepar Sulph Click Here 


Homeopathic Remedy Hepar Sulph







Silicea [Sil]

Silicea is generally indicated when the suppuration continues and the wound refuses to heal, no matter where the suppurative process is located; the pus is apt to be thin, watery, and the process is sluggish and indolent one. Under Silicea the suppurative process takes on a healthy action, the pus becomes benign, granulation appear. It is then time to stop the remedy, for if it be continued it may undo the good it has done.

The action of Silica is slow. In the proving, it takes a long time to develop the symptoms. It is, therefore, suited to complaints that develop slowly.

Generalities: At certain times of the year and under certain circumstances peculiar symptoms will come out. They may stay with the prover the balance of his life. Such are the long-acting, deep-acting remedies; they are capable of going so thoroughly into the vital order that hereditary disturbances are routed out. The Silica patient is chilly; his symptoms are developed in cold, damp weather, though often better in cold, dry weather; symptoms come out after a bath.

To see the detailed description of Slicea Click Here.

Homeopathic Remedy Silicea





