Homeopathic Remedy For Conjunctivitis


Conjunctivitis, or “pinkeye” is an inflammation of the membrane that lines the eyelids and covers the whites of the eyes.

Apis mellifica: Puffy, pink, watery swelling that feels better from cold applications is a strong indication for this remedy.

Argentum nitricum: Swelling with yellowish or pus-like discharge, and redness and inflammation of the whites and inner corners of the eyes.

Hepar sulphuris: When the eyes feel sore or bruised, with inflammation and burning pain, or a feeling as if the eyes are being pulled back into the head

Mercurius solubilis: Discharge is greenish-yellow and can irritate the lids and margins of the eyes.

Natrum muriaticum: Swollen lids with burning tears and a feeling that the eyes are bruised suggest a need for this remedy.

Pulsatilla: Conjunctivitis with thick, yellow, itchy discharge (often accompanying a cold or the measles)