Homeopathic Remedy For Fever

On exposure to dry cold air.

On account of injury.

Arsenic Album
Fever with severe running nose. In intermittent or periodic fevers with restlessness. In typhoid at a later stage.

With tonsils swollen, red and glistening.

With bronchitis.

With burning sensation while passing urine. Frequent passing of urine.

In fever with body pain and nose partially blocked.

Due to exposure to sunlight or heat.

Hepar Sulphuricum
With pus and shooting, piercing pain in tonsils.

Mercurius Solubilis
With pus in tonsils.

Natrum Muriaticum
In intermittent, unyielding fevers; chronic malarial state.

Homeopathic Remedy Aconitum Napellus 30X, Tablets

Homeopathic Remedy Aconitum napellus, High fever of sudden onset with dry skin

Homeopathic Remedy Arnica, Tablets

Homeopathic Remedy Belladonna 30X, Tablets

Homeopathic Remedy Bryonia Alba 30X, Tablets

Homeopathic Remedy Cantharis 30X, Tablets

Homeopathic Remedy Gelsemium Sempervirens 30X, Tablets

Homeopathic Remedy Hepar Sulphuris Calcarenum 30X, Tablets

Homeopathic Remedy Natrum Muriaticum, Tablets