Homeopathic Remedy For Alcoholism

Nux vomica. [Nux.v]
A great anti-alcoholic remedy. Tremor, nervous affection, headache, bad taste. Delirium Tremens, every little noise frightens, finds no rest any place, springs up at night and has frightful visions. The tremor is marked with ugliness and irritability and gastric disturbance. It is a remedy to be given while the patient is still under the influence of liquor or any of the stages of alcoholism.

Hyoscyamus. [Hyos]
The first remedy indicated when delirium tremens occurs. The delirium is constant and loquacious. Great hilarity; inclined to laugh at every thing. Quarralsome mania.

Stramonium. [Stram]
When the pulse is small and quick and compressible, the skin is cold and clammy, the patient is tremulous and picks constantly at objects in the air. Marked sexual excitement, desire to expose person and fear of poison. The vision are those of persecution, are terrifying, and the patient makes efforts to escape. Constan insomnia is an excellent indication; outburst of laughter alerting with weeping may also occur.

Cannabis Indica. [Cann.i]
A very reliable remedy in acute alcoholism. Some violence, talkativeness and active mind; subjects crowd upon it, delusions and hallucination relate to exaggerated subjects time,space, etc.; face flushed, pupils dilated, perspires easily. Surprise is constantly expressed on the countenance.

Avena sativa [Av. Sat]
is a valuable remedy in alcoholism where the victim is nervous and sleepless almost to the point of delirium tremens. It is also a useful remedy in the opium and cocaine habits.

Homeopathic Remedy Nux Vomica 30X, Tablets

Homeopathic Remedy Hang Over Relief, Tablets